About Me
Sam is the passionate human driving Garden Kitchen Witch*n. In her life and work, she weaves in many modalities and practices - permaculture, women's work, deep ecology, grief work, embodiment, indigenous wisdom, activism, art of hosting, radical homemaking, the work that reconnects, emergent strategy, holistic management, cyclical living and even more ...
The integrity to her ethics is always evident, in cooking, teaching, holding space, and living life. Sam draws upon nearly a decade spent deeply embedded in one place and now is on new adventures, spreading roots throughout the region, bringing her passion for change to many communties.

Pay the Rent
I invite you to acknowledge with me that the lands we work upon, gather food from and live with every day, Always have been and Always will be Aboriginal Land.
Here, we live with the lands of the Ngunnawal/Ngunawal, Ngambri, Ngarigu, Yuin, Gundungurra, Wiradjuri and more. Sovereignty was never ceded.
A percentage of Garden Kitchen Witch*n income always goes to mob led organisations, we support blak businesses and wherever possible, mob ticket pricing/catering pricing is made available.
We try to operate this business with integrity towards decolonisation. And are open to the big conversations about how this can be done differently.
Dreaming of listening to the kookaburra calls and the wind through the trees, with barefeet upon the Earth, knowing that we are all in community and genuine reciprocity with each other.
Dreaming of days where we are truly collaborating on healing the giant wounds within ourselves, the Earth and all that is woven between.
For most of us, there is a lifetime of unlearning to fully remember the deep interconnectness of life, I hope that we all choose to take this journey without a moments more delay.